We are REDD, Rhoda, Ekene, Dammy and Dude. We specialise in services linked to fashion. See here the girls behind the work and our lives...Enjoy!

Sunday 25 July 2010

REDD @ Afro Hair and Beauty Show Live 2010

Supporting The Platform Artists of the Stage

Now I know I'm supposed to keep this blogging thing regular. but i get side tracked soooo easily. so we did the Afro hair show end of may..we are now going into august...and I'm just writing up the post now

ok so i (Rhoda) have a mate called Derek . One Of the BEST male models i know (support him in Top Model of Colour)

Who put me in touch with Maxine Griffiths CEO and founder of The Platform Artists of the stage. Shes currently being nominated for Best Fashion Choreographer 2010 BEFFTA Award . Please support by voting, send your votes for nominations to nominations@beffta.com

"The Platform Artist of the Stage is a one stop shop and a focal point for aspiring models, dancers, entertainers, makeup/hair technicians, photographers and agents.The services are open to artists that use the stage as there place of work or hobby."

So you see where we fit in?

After a few phone conversations with Maxine she took us on board for her latest project. The Afro hair show.

For those not familiar with this show let me just tell you, its a bit of a big deal! Google it.

So we were pretty excited to be a part of the show, having only stood in the crowd watching in the previous year. so below are a few pictures, some of the show, some of us with the models etc!

Mela modelling for CoCoBella

New Venue This Year
Us all together on stage
My Hood Clothing
I'm so shy this felt like the walk of shame!
Joking about with Kat The Comedian
Just cleaning my brushes!

Promoting The Platform with Jared

Modelling My Hood clothing

Del boy and Shay

The Stage

'If Your Talking The Hardest' -Modelling SN1
We had soo much fun working with the platform, it was a great opportunity, met some fantastic creatives and hope to work again soon!
keep checking back for more posts on jobs we've been on!
London College Of Fashion Fashion Society Presents: Fashioning The Decade

Ok I know its been donkey's years since we posted but better late than never eh?

The next post features pictures from a show we did, where Ndudi (dude) presented three pieces inspired by African print.

The show was put on by the fashion society at LCF. Ekene and I worked along side one other makeup artist on this show.

It was kind of split into two sections, one very plain section using pastel colours or plain white fabrics, and the other colourful and vibrant. I'm just going to show pictures of Ndudi's pieces... as uploading pictures on blogger is sooo long!... *shrugs*

Pictures by Rob Sheppard

Miss JoJo Eluka

Miss Vicky Sheldrake

Miss Terri Wood

REDD and the models


Designer and Models
And may i just add that this same African print was featured in a collection on www.asos.com
Just a coincidence!

Keep Checking back for more posts people!
To book Makeup artists contact: Rhoda@reddavenue.com
For all Fashion design related enquiries contact: Ndudi@reddavenue.com
See Ya'll Soon!

Monday 7 June 2010

RT @SoSo_Stace: Black girls should not wear pink lippy. #randomthought

(A post by Rhoda)

Around 12pm on June the 3rd, one of my FAVE models: Ms Stace rose (twitter: @Soso_Stace) Made the comment: 'Black Girls Should Not Wear Pink Lippy'

This sparked up a bit of a debate between a few of my followers on twitter.

I COMPLETELY disagree.. I personally think there is a shade of pink for EVERY skin tone.

I've searched the Net...quite disappointed as i didn't really find a lot of people in support of my theory...

There are all sorts of advice columns and articles about selecting the right shade of lipstick:

http://www.buzzle.com/articles/pink-lipstick-for-african-american-women.html says:

Light skin tones: Shimmering rose

Medium skin tones: Magenta

Dark skin tones: Sultry Pink

Now i don't know about you, but i thought that information was pointless and boring..*yawn*

Here's what i Think

  • DO NOT paint your face..you will look like this:
  • A lot of People like to paint waay over their lip line, making them look like a clown. just don't do it! its not hard, watch a tutorial on youtube, purchase a lip liner and take it from there!

  • A lot of what suits you, depends on what you can pull off..which depends on what you are comfortable with. my advice would be to buy a very inexpensive lip palette (from ebay) and experiment with the colours. This way you can try a lot of shades in the comfort of your own home.

  • Some people like to get pasty chalky colours..this looks bad on ALL skin tones in my opinion. I'd try just one layer of clear gloss over your colour, so that it doesn't look so chalky. rimmel and barry m have great inexpensive clear glosses.

  • YOU ARE NOT RIHANNA..you may not look so good with the shades of pink her MUA chooses IE

  • Another great way to pull off a pink is to not go with a full on lipstick. sometimes a tinted gloss looks wicked! alternatively. you can create your own tinted gloss...using eye shadow/pigment pots (again barry M have a wide selection of pigment pots). simply mix the powder from the eyeshadow/pigment pot with a clear gloss. and you have your tinted gloss. you can do it on the back of your hand or a little empty pot. however with this way, the colours don't stay on as long.

Any way! i Could go on forever with tips and tricks Ive tried..but I'd seriously be here all day!

I'll just end by saying there are a million and one shades of pink, each one to suit a different personality and skin tone. find one that works for YOU :)

and can i just say miss Stace...i do believe i put a pink on you a few months back!!

Wednesday 2 June 2010

Vintage Black and White Shoot @ Central Saint Martins

(post by Rhoda &Ekene)

Right..so Ekene and I were recently asked to do makeup for a shoot. a Student At University of the Arts (Stephanie) was doing a project. The story board for the shoot was a 1930s Style shoot. two posh drunkards at a cocktail party.

I wont make you read for too long :) I'm gonna post some of the images below!


Ekene used 'Hair Putty' to smooth down Chris's hair, he had short spiky hair to begin with


The finished look. We gave the male a suave side parting and darkened his brows. we gave the lady sharp bright red nails. a plum coloured smoky eye and matching dark lip. and a bob with a full forward fringe.

LOL ....CSM has the most ODD graffiti in the toilets ever.... in fact i didn't even know uni toilets had graffiti in them..
This ones quite artistic though.

' No Bleeding In The Toilets ....Period'......would that be a Drake Bar??
This one reads: 'Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the ugliest of them all..... YO F***IN MAAM'

Overall we had a lot of fun on this shoot :)

Despite having to walk up and down these flights of stairs...I'm anti exercise.

Were Sooo close to launching the online portfolio, so keep checking back for more details.
More Blog Posts Soon :)
Ekene & Rhoda

Saturday 22 May 2010

TEST RUN! (Post By Rhoda)

Ok...After Endless Days and nights i think I've finally figured out how to use blogspot!!!
ran into a few snags but i vowed that blogspot would not be the end of me!!!

So.. To Those of you who know I'm a Jr MUA and training Beauty Therapist. I go to the London College of Fashion... and i get to go on loads of fun outings/jobs based on the work that i do. so the purpose of this blog is to document exclusive behind the scene footage of this. We'll also be blogging about other random cool things.

Where REDD is at right now is, were waiting on the launch of our online portfolio. This should be Up and running by bank holiday weekend! Excited!

We will Also Be at Afro Hair and Beauty Live supporting 'The Platform' Ekene and I as Assistant MUA's for the big Show that usually takes place every year. Come Down and Say Hi!
We Will Also be Doing Nails on a shoot For independent Designer Karine Jones, being shot by Makeda Grant (check out her entertainment blog!)http://www.itsdirtysexymoney.blogspot.com/ . We will be Blogging about both events soon enough

As the Blog is a bit late to go up, we have a backlog of events and photo shoots to blog about! so Stay tuned..

So..Tell All your friends! REDD is coming about in a BIG way! And Follow Follow Follow!!

Thank you and See You All Soon :)